All pictures and posts are entirely owned by Icy Jax Club Penguin and may not be used without permission.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ask Oliver?

There is going to be something new on my Site called Ask Oliver! Oliver also known as Oliver3166 is my sister. At that time my sister was 4 even though you should be 6 or older to play! Me and my sister have a dog named Oliver and my sister loved Oliver so much she named her penguin after it. She added th 3166 because those are her four favorite numbers! On th sidebar it will show a thing with a penguin called Oliver3166 and It will say Ask Oliver! Here is Ask Oliver:
Make your own banner at
In comments Ask Oliver a question and she will respond in the next 48 to 73 hours! Also sometimes Oliver  is unavaible so Icy Jax will tell you what Oliver said! Thank You!