All pictures and posts are entirely owned by Icy Jax Club Penguin and may not be used without permission.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Coins For Change Results Video!

Hello Penguins! The Coins For Change results are in! Check out the video to learn more:

You gave more than 12 billion coins this year! Thanks to you, Coins for Change was a huge success.
Here’s the breakdown of how much real money will go to each cause:
  • $300,000 will go to build safe places
  • $360,000 will go to protect the earth
  • $340,000 will go to provide medical help
Great job, everyone! Thanks again for all the coins you donated. We’d love to hear what you think of the results. Be sure to let us know in the comments!
Until then… Waddle on!

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