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Monday, January 3, 2011

Hey agents! Icy Jax here with the Mission 29 Field-Op cheats! Your guide to the Field-Op is right here on Club-Penguin-Rockz! First of all log into Club Penguin, then click your red-blinking Spy Phone and click “Go There” to be transported to the EPF Command Room and walk over to the yellow computer to receive your mission.

The Aqua Grabber’s security system just stopped an intruder from stealing it’s parts! We must act quickly. Work together to make sure all other Aqua Grabber’s are secure. Gary says Aquagrabber instead of Aqua Grabber – twice. Is that how Aqua Grabber will be spelt now?

Head to the Forest to go to the Hidden Lake. Then stand in the broken Aqua Grabber near your Spy Phone and Map until your Spy Phone blinks green.

This week’s task is destroying the circuits! You have to match the circuit symbols to overload the wiring! You have a time limit, so do it quick and fast before time runs out! See how long it takes you to complete it.

That’s it! You have completed the task and Field-Op, and got a medal! You can use these medals to buy Elite Gear. I’m saving up mine to get the stamps. This has been Icy Jax posting the latest Field-Op.

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