All pictures and posts are entirely owned by Icy Jax Club Penguin and may not be used without permission.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Membership Page Updated

Hello Penguins.Once again, Club Penguin has updated the membership page.It seems there’re lost of new things coming to the island, like new games, new EPF gears and much more.Let’s check out what’s exactly coming to the island:


  1. Hey Icy Jax, I just saw that Server: Blizzard is full! :( How about we meet up on Server: Deep Snow Instead! :) I have my Igloo on my Map so you can meet me there!

    I hope we still can meet up on Club Penguin. Let me know if you can.

    Waddle on...

    ~Hope Aka Clubpenguinfan~

  2. Hey Icy Jax!

    lol Nevermind!! :) Just stay at Blizzard! I'm So sorry! :P

    ~Hope Aka Clubpenguinfan~
