All pictures and posts are entirely owned by Icy Jax Club Penguin and may not be used without permission.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Guess What? I got into Club Penguin Fan again!
I got into her Joke of the Week Page.

Here is how it looked:

Hey everyone! :D I am So excited to Annonce that there is now a New page here! :0) I will be giving a Penguin Joke every week! Just to let you know all these jokes are from the book called......Waddle Lots of Laughs! (Or From my veiwers!!!) This one was Sent in by Icy Jax! I hope you enjoy! 
 Q: What's Black and White and Red all over? 

A: A Sun Burnt Penguin!
 (laughs!) I thought that joke was very cute and funny!  :D Thanks Icy Jax for the Joke! If YOU have any jokes please please E-mail me at  or you can Comment! I would love to hear from you Guys and girls! :D You never know I might post YOUR joke on my website! Thanks So much I hope you have a Super Duper great week! Talk to you later!
~Hope Aka Clubpenguinfan~
PS. Thanks again Icy Jax! :)

Or heres the Link:   Thank You!

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