All pictures and posts are entirely owned by Icy Jax Club Penguin and may not be used without permission.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Secrets Revealed!

So today I was on this great site called Club Penguin Parade and I found this shocking news!
Here is what it says on there awesome blog:

"Hey penguins!
Today my friend Ninjaboyz12 decided to call a Club Penguin representative. What he figured out was really intresting! Check out this exclusive conversation:
Today i decided to call Club Penguin, and talk with them. I call them up and Daisy answer’s me, here is what she said:
Daisy: “Thank You for calling Club Penguin, My name is Daisy!”
Me: “Hi, Club Penguin! Can you give me some information on something?”
Daisy: “Ok, I will try..”
Me: “Why is Herbert sending us messages about what he is going to do?”
Daisy: ” Well, Probably because he is trying to take over Club Penguin..”
At this moment im like, “WOW! i think i should play along..”
Me: “O Yea! So Herbert is going to take over Club Penguin right? “
Daisy: ” Yea! Herbert is just waiting for the perfect moment to ruin the Puffle Party!”
Me: ” What?! The puffle party? it’s not even out! “
Daisy: ” *Mumbbles..* O yea.. , Have anything else for Club Penguin?”
Me: “Yes, One thing, Good luck keeping a secret, bye!”
Wow! Isn`t that just one of the most intresting things you have ever seen? I can`t believe a high paided representative would reveal CP`s plans for Herbert, and the puffle party! Leave a comment on what you think! Did this rep. tell the truth, or not?
Waddle on,"

So penguins isn't that CRAZY? Oh no not that part I meant those little tiny cute puffles are in DANGER!
Yeah but that part too!

Oh yeah and Until Next Time Waddle On...

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